Solo is an old stray dog, sick and infirm. She roamed the streets of Los Angeles all her short and hard dog life. But one day she came
This is certainly not 101, but the happy mother-heroine Nelly can also be congratulated. She was able to give birth to 18 puppies: ten boys and eight girls.
It’s not just people who can earn the title of mother heroine. Sometimes the actions of animals are so amazing that this title can no doubt be given
It always hurts me to see animals in distress. They are helpless in such situations and completely depend on us. Some time ago, Animal Aid Unlimited, an Indian
Ukrainians became famous all over the world. The video from the show “Ukraine Has Talents” with this couple in the title role conquered the whole world. Seriously, this
When the owner brought him for examination in the clinic, all the doctors ran to look at the fat cat. The world record for fat cats belongs to
When this photo of the dog sitting on the owner’s grave appeared on the Internet, everyone who saw it was saddened. People from all over the world began
One winter, a 20-year-old student went to the university in the morning. She got into a terrible accident, where a shameless driver hit her and wanted to ”
Five-year-old Andrew was in a boarding school for deafblind children and it is even scary to imagine the further scenario of his life, if not for Natalia Tkacheva.
At different stages of the relationship, couples undergo a so-called “strength test”. Such a test can be joint repair, isolation, or weight loss. The latest, by the way,