This iconic singer-songwriter has written some of the catchiest pop songs in history

Married to the love of his life for almost 61 years, Neil Sedaka doesn’t have much experience to say that “breaking up is hard”.Having recently celebrated his 84th birthday, the handsome singer of “down doobie do down down”, who has melted hearts with his voice, overflows with love for his grandchildren and is full of praise when he says he was “born married to his wife”.What’s not to love about Neil Sedaka? He has given us so much: this exceptional singer has enchanted us with his voice and presence for many years.At the age of 13, this classically trained pianist, who was attending a Saturday scholarship program at Julliard’s Preparatory for Children, teamed up with 16-year-old Howard Greenfield, and together they wrote songs for Sedaka’s school band, the Linc-Tones, a group that would later become the Tokens.They’d only give you a room with a window if you wrote a hit song,” says Sedaka, who adds that the couple earned $50 a week. “Every day, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., we wrote and played what we’d written for the record company reps. He was the first to record his own songs and the first to reach the Top 10 with his hit “Oh! Carol” (1959), inspired by his high school sweetheart, Carole King.



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