Attention: Never leave a charger in a socket without your phone: I tell you the three main reasons why

Attention: Never leave a charger in a socket without your phone: I tell you the three main reasons why After recharging their electronic device, some people forget to remove the charger from the socket. However, few are aware of the possible repercussions of such an act. What happens if the charger remains in the socket? Some parts of the charger consume power even when in standby mode. This phenomenon persists even if the charger consumes very little power. Repeatedly plugging the charger into an outlet will cause it to overheat and accelerate the wear of its internal parts, including capacitors. A charger plugged into the mains can overheat and start smoking if there is a sudden change in voltage, which could cause a fire. Keeping your home safe is also essential, especially if you have small children or pets. A corded charger plugged into the mains could electrocute you

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