A man adopted a dog from a shelter, and in return, the dog performed an equally worthy act of respect. It’s a touching tale of dedication and canine loyalty. In the fall, a man named Brian Myers went to an animal shelter to adopt a pet. Almost immediately, he noticed a German Shepherd dog. The dog was then six years old and named Sadie. Her previous owner had abandoned her after moving because the landlord didn’t allow pets. Brian was warned that the animal was distrustful and quite nervous in the presence of men, but he managed to establish contact almost immediately with the German Shepherd and form a special bond. From their first encounter, Sadie put her paws on Brian’s shoulders and began licking his face, as if thanking him for his unexpected rescue.
Myers and Sadie became friends, and she liked to sleep at the feet of her new owner. Brian contracted the COVID-19 virus. He managed to overcome the illness, but it likely affected his health. One night, he got out of bed to go to the bathroom but didn’t make it.
Myers suddenly collapsed to the floor and couldn’t move. That’s when Sadie intervened: she licked the man’s face, preventing him from losing consciousness. Brian managed to grab the collar of his four-legged friend. At that moment, the dog began pulling him toward the table where the phone was. The man was able to grab his cell phone and call emergency services.
It’s an incredible story about a dog who saved the life of its new owner: Video