Fishermen and passers-by had the fright of their lives when they caught this enormous fish. After an hour’s struggle, the exhausted man finally managed to bring the huge 1.2 metre fish to shore. Then came the moment of shock.
Mark Larson, the 42-year-old man who brought the huge fish to shore, later confirmed to the media that he had never experienced anything so strange in his life. And in this case, he wasn’t even talking about the 1.2 metre long fish. A feat many anglers can only dream of, but the catch was overshadowed by the discovery he made in the fish’s mouth.
This serious-looking angler arched his back and lifted his arm out of the water in one powerful movement. As the fish had no teeth, the operation was not very dangerous. Mark and one of the agents stayed in the car and got their walkie-talkies ready. More than 50 officers moved quietly and lined up around the lake.At 1.52am, the report arrived: “A strong tremor was observed on the north-western side of the lake. The report was accurate. Within minutes, at least 8 officers were on the scene, catching the thieves red-handed.
The men were arrested and managed to recover the loot they had thrown away. Mark was made an honorary citizen by the mayor.
A fisherman catches a huge fish, but then makes an unusual discovery