A tiny puppy lived in a landfill in a broken bucket

A small puppy settled in a broken bucket that it found at a construction dump. It was home to it. The baby came out of the bucket only when there was no one nearby.

In its “house” the poor thing ate, slept, and hid from everyone. The puppy was discovered by volunteer Adelina, who lives in Astrakhan. She brought it food every day and regularly posted posts on social networks to find an owner for the puppy.

Our shelter was then full, even overcrowded, so we just had to follow the fate of the little pet and repost Adeline’s posts. A week has passed since the volunteer discovered the puppy. And one morning doggy was not there, and someone trampled on its shelter.

Adeline began to look for the puppy and eventually found it immured in some incomprehensible building. It was not clear who the puppy did not please, but this subhuman did not spare cement and bricks, leaving only small holes for air. The volunteer accidentally heard a whimper and, without thinking about injuries, destroyed this crypt with her hands. There was nothing left for us to do but take the puppy to the shelter so that nothing else would happen to it.

The puppy has since turned into an adult dog. We couldn’t find an owner for it when it was little.

Now it is a young and friendly dog of medium size. It has a beautiful tail and is also smart.

The beauty likes to communicate with people, it is sterilized. It loves boiled beets and carrots, cookies and sausages.

We hope that it will still find its home and a beloved owner.

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