Finally, the woman finds her starving dog, stolen two years ago

A woman lost her dog named Lord two years ago. She tried everywhere to find her favorite dog but in vain. But the woman never gave up hope of finding her dog.

A photograph of a homeless dog was uploaded on social media by an animal shelter. The dog looked very dirty and had blue eyes.

The woman saw a photograph of the dog and called the shelter, thinking it was her dog. When she came to visit the dog, the dog was depressed.

Previously, two years ago, Harmon’s favorite dog went missing. She was sitting with her church group when they called her from the shelter and asked her to come and see the dog.

A woman approached the dog and called it by the name “Tootaroota”. Tootaroota was its nickname. The dog stood at the gate of the orphanage. When the dog heard the name, it ran to the woman.

The dog got up on its hind legs and started sniffing the woman and taking a closer look at her.

The dog remembered the woman.

It hugged a woman and kissed her. The dog wagged its tail, showing that it recognized the woman.

Now the dog is healthy and happy to be reunited with its faithful family. The dog pleases every member of the family.

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