The horse came to say goodbye to the owner. Everyone was moved to tears

Animals should be valued and respected. They really are our brothers.

Since 1921, Sheila Marsh has worked at the racetrack. She adored horses, but her favorite pet was Bronwen. She has been raising this horse since childhood. They stayed together for about 20 years.

But a 77-year-old woman was diagnosed with terrible cancer at the last stage. Before she died, she only wanted to see her beloved Bronwen.

Shyla was getting worse every day. Then her daughter Tina made a request to the medical staff of the hospital where her mother was. Doctors were ready to help to fulfill the last wish of their patient before death.

Hospital orderlies took out an elderly woman on a gurney. Shyla’s favorite horses were waiting for her in the parking lot, and Bronwen was among them. When the horse approached the woman, she just shone with happiness. She quietly uttered the name of her beloved pet with the last of her strength, and the animal nuzzled her cheek.

«Mother had great difficulty talking on the last day, but she clearly called the horse by name and asked to kiss her», shared Tina.

Bronwen did just that: she bent down and kissed Sheila one last time. Seeing this, Tina burst into tears.

“I cried so hard, and so did all the nurses. She got consolation, it was wonderful! He and Bronwen had a special relationship. She has been caring for the horse for about 20 years since Bronwen was seven. We were all very touched by this scene. It was a very important moment,” Shyla’s daughter told frankly.

It is still surprising how strong the feelings between animals and humans can be. We live for those we love. Love has no boundaries, so animals become our family. And Sheila couldn’t leave without saying goodbye to the one she loves.

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