Every child needs its mother, from lions and tigers to penguins and giraffes.
And to celebrate Mother’s Day, an animal photographer has revealed his favorite moments of mother-infant relationships in the wild.
With two decades of traveling to exotic locations, photographer and guide Paul Goldstein has been lucky enough to witness some stunning moments of mother-child affection.
Highlights include a newborn giraffe walking within 15 minutes of birth, a polar bear mother and cubs sitting on sea ice, and the humorous image of an Emperor penguin seemingly waving to its mother.
As an animal rights campaigner, Mr. Goldstein raises funds for tigers and other a.bu.sed species as well as writing.
He also owns four safari camps in Kenya and is a tour operator guiding around the world. Paul feels very strongly that the photos should never be manipulated by the photographers.
“Ethics is an important issue in all aspects of photography,” he said.
‘I prefer to see what someone has taken, not what they’ve produced, showing me a bold, flawed photo rather than a safe-record photo any day.’