The dog was escorting friends to new families, and no one wanted to take it away from the shelter

Sue was found on the street and taken to a shelter for dogs by concerned passers-by. Although the animal survived on its own for a long time, it did not get angry at people, on the contrary, it was able to maintain a kind and affectionate character. The girl spent a lot of time in the shelter, but no one wanted to give it a real home.

Собака грустными глазами смотрела, как люди проходят мимо нее в приюте

As a little puppy, it ended up on the streets of the English town of Bath. When a defenseless little girl wandering the streets was spotted by passers-by, they took it to an animal shelter. The dog turned out to be gentle, kind, and obedient.

Собака грустными глазами смотрела, как люди проходят мимо нее в приюте

At the shelter, the girl was named Sue, it immediately became one of the favorites of the staff. The staff of the shelter was sure that when the time came to find owners for it, a nice and obedient dog would quickly find a new home, but things had turned out very differently…

Собака грустными глазами смотрела, как люди проходят мимо нее в приюте

Sue’s been living in an orphanage for three years now, and no one wants to take it home. Only once did people like the dog, but in the new house it did not live long – the family could not cope with it and returned the animal to the orphanage. Then Sue was really upset because it didn’t know what it was doing wrong.

Собака грустными глазами смотрела, как люди проходят мимо нее в приюте

During the time that Sue lives in the shelter, hundreds of other dogs managed to get into these walls and leave them accompanied by new families. Sue could only watch them leave, hiding a sad look.

Собака грустными глазами смотрела, как люди проходят мимо нее в приюте

At first, the girl did have behavioral difficulties, but it grew up, took a course with a trainer, and became very obedient and well-mannered.

Собака грустными глазами смотрела, как люди проходят мимо нее в приюте

The staff of the shelter does not lose faith that Sue will soon find its home, and its new owners will be able to understand and appreciate what a miracle they got.

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