Two brother dogs had a rough start to life. They were neglected, left tied to a giant log with no water and little food.
When Rachel of SideWalk Specials was called to assess the situation, poor dogs turned out to be vicious and aggressive.
They were growling and snapping when Rachel approached, but after she offered them a little food, they realized she wasn’t there to hurt them.
Both dogs were eating food, and their behavior quickly changed from aggressive to obedient.
Rachael was able to free the dogs from their short-chain, load them up, and get them to a veterinarian for care.
They named the two dogs Benji and Otis. Benji was suffering from a broken leg, but Otis was in overall good health (aside from being hungry and thirsty).
Once both dogs were healthy enough, they were sent to separate foster homes, where they both became foster fails. That was supposed to be the end of their story, but then something amazing happened.
While out for a walk, Benji’s mom saw another dog sprinting towards them. Once it got closer, Benji and the other dog started to go crazy together, jumping around and playing. When the dog’s owner approached, Benji’s mom asked if the dog’s name was Otis – and it was!
After months apart, the two brothers who went through so much together were finally reunited. When it came time to carry on their walks, neither dog wanted to leave the other. Seeing how happy they were together given the moms an idea, and they exchanged numbers!
Now, they go on regular play dates! Through some miracle, the two brothers are now living their best lives and they’re able to see each other regularly.