9-month-old tiger Cub rescued from circus weighs only 30 pounds

Every animal deserves a normal life. Charming pets should have a happy family in which they are truly loved and cared for. And wild animals find it happy and free to live in the wild or in nature reserves. But there are cruel people who illegally keep these majestic animals, leaving them unattended and mistreated. Some of these poor animals can wait to be rescued, and some can’t. No one wants to hear these heartbreaking stories.

Aasha, a 9-month-old Bengal tiger cub is one of these animals. When the little tiger was released from the circus, she weighed 30 pounds only. This is just the weight of a healthy 3-month-old cub.

Thankfully, Aasha was rescued in time by Vicky Keahey, founder of Texas’ In-Sync Exotics Wildlife Rescue and Educational Center. The majestic animal was left neglected and bullied by other older tigers in the circus.

“Aasha’s bald spots covered almost her entire body and her skin was dry [with] cracked, darken areas and bleeding,” Vicky Keahey said.

The poor tiger cub was struggling with open wounds and ringworm, making her exhausted and scared of humans and animals around her.

However, Vicky didn’t give up on Aasha. He gave her medications and took care of her.

He kept giving the cub regular medicated baths even when she hated it.

It lasted about 8 weeks until recovered after her treatment. It was an incredible recovery and Aasha grew into a healthy and happy tiger. She even started enjoying bathing and swimming.

“Within eight months she looked like a real tiger,” Vicky said.

To make Aasha include in her community, Vicky let her stay with a bigger male tiger called Smuggler. It seemed to be love at first sight as Smuggler loved spending time with Aasha.

Vicky then let them date. The two had a close interaction and got along so well. Thanks to Vicky’s care and Smuggler’s love, Aasha the abused lion cup transform into a playful and confident adult tiger.

Love and kindness can heal and turn this world into a better place. If you love the impressive recovery of Aasha, just share the article with your family and friends.

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