The story happened in winter in Canada, there was a heavy snowstorm that day. The truck driver was carrying milk and accidentally noticed a black spot on the snow.
When the man approached this spot, he realized that he had to stop and get out of the car, despite a heavy snowstorm. After all, there was an animal in the snow that needed urgent help.
“At first I thought there was some kind of rag in the snowdrift,” Clay shared. But as he got closer, he realized that three black kittens were freezing there.
Since there were no tracks nearby, it was clear that someone had thrown the kittens out of the car.
Only Clay could see the crumbs because he was driving a truck. And if it wasn’t for him, the kids would most likely have died.
Clay put the kittens in the truck and drove home. On the way, he called his wife so that she and her daughter would prepare for his arrival because the kittens would need help.
At that time, the man’s family already had two cats and two dogs. They often help pets, so this was not the first time kittens were rescued.
Clay called the local animal rescue society, which helped get the kittens into a shelter.
The kids were covered with ice and snow. They huddled together in an attempt to somehow keep warm, so as not to die from the cold.
Now the fuzzies need treatment. They were prescribed antibiotics for respiratory infection.
Clay left the kittens at home for a while, giving them a room, but when they recover, they will be taken away by the shelter. And then they will look for the owners.