Photos from the veterinary hospital that will cause a smile and give positive emotions

It seems to me that everyone loves four-legged friends for the fact that they can cheer up and give a smile even on the worst and unlucky day. Even if you don’t have a fluffy pet at home, I think these photos will make you smile anyway.

Various photos from veterinary hospitals are collected here, judging by which it can be concluded that being a veterinarian is a wonderful profession.

Here we see Maine Coon kittens. The cats feel great, they were just brought for a routine checkup.

9-недельные котята мейн-куны на плановом осмотре.

“I work as a veterinarian in a specialized clinic for horses. This colt fell asleep right on my slippers while I was talking to its owner.

“Я работаю в ветклинике для лошадей, и этот малыш отрубился у моих ног, пока я вел диалог с его хозяевами”.


“Кажется, он шокирован так же сильно, как моя коллега”.


“Самая милая вещь, которую я когда-либо видела в кабинете ветеринара”.

“My friend’s dog ate a bar of chocolate, and he had to take the animal to the hospital. You can’t tell from the dog’s smile that it regrets what it did.”

“Собака моего друга съела шоколад. Пришлось везти ее к ветеринару. Она ни о чем не жалеет”.


Этот малыш совершенно не боится ветеринара.

“My friend is a veterinarian, she often sends me photos of animals that cause emotion and delight.”

Новый помощник.


Обследование хомячка.


Преимущества работы ветеринаром.

The owners brought a puppy to vaccinate.

Какое чудо!

A veterinarian is a grateful profession because no one knows how to show gratitude like animals.

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