As usual that morning, Alina was walking her dog. Suddenly, an ordinary plastic bag caught her attention. The fact is that it was moving from one side of the sidewalk to the other. After that, the woman heard a thin and quiet meow. She quickly went to the package and untied it, which was tied into two tight knots. And there really was a little kitten in it, all wet and trembling with fear.
Alina grabbed the package with the kitten and rushed home to help the poor creature. Since the baby was very scared, the woman left it in the carrier for a while so that it calmed down and felt safe.
After the baby got used to the new place, Alina bathed it, because it was very dirty.
Clean and fed, it settled down to sleep in its new warm crib.
The kitten was delighted with its soft blanket that it even began to purr with pleasure when it touched it.
Then Alina fed the baby from a bottle and a syringe, which helped it to come back to life. It was very hungry.
Alina already had cats at home. Now the baby is used to its new family and loves to play with them, as well as sleep next to them. The owner named it Davey.
A week later, the kitten changed completely. Now it is happy and a long carefree life awaits it.