A teenage girl finds a starving horse and walks 9 miles back home with the horse

This is a very touching story about a kind girl and a horse. Nowadays, it is very rare to expect such a bold act from people, especially from a teenage girl.

Kelsey from Illinois and her mother were driving their trailer on business. Fortunately, they took a different road that day. Suddenly they noticed an animal lying on the grass by the road. They stopped to see what was there.

Teenage girl finds dying of starvation horse on her route and walks with the horse 9 miles back home

It was a poor, skinny horse that was dying of hunger. They noticed several whip marks on the animal’s body. Probably, this poor horse was not useful for work, and the owner decided to leave the horse just on the road. Who could do such a terrible thing? Just an inhumane act.

Teenage girl finds dying of starvation horse on her route and walks with the horse 9 miles back home

There was another version of this situation: the horse could simply run away from its bad handlers in search of food.

However, Kelsey and her mom immediately took action to help the weak horse. They tried to drag the horse into their trailer, but it was very difficult.

And then the kind girl found another way to help the horse: just walk.

Teenage girl finds dying of starvation horse on her route and walks with the horse 9 miles back home

Although it seemed difficult to implement this idea, since they had to walk about 9 miles, anyway, they did it, they returned to Kelsey’s house. It took four long hours to walk and get home.

Then the whole family did everything to bring the poor horse back to life. Fortunately, they managed to save him.

Teenage girl finds dying of starvation horse on her route and walks with the horse 9 miles back home

The horse slept for about five days, which alarmed the whole family. Kelsey spent the whole day in the barn praying for the horse. Thanks to God and her great efforts, the horse was saved.

The girl called the horse Sunny. And indeed, the horse brought a piece of sunlight into her life. Now they are good friends and can’t imagine life without each other.

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