Have you ever seen these nice, small animals of fur? These are known as the Japanese flying squirrels, a little mammal that is capable of moving from branch to branch. While these beautiful beasts do not fly, they can float 100 meters away.
These charming flying squirrels are distributed from the Baltic to the Pacific coast of Japan and Europe. They don’t hibernate during the winter, but sometimes, in winter, they snooze a couple of days.
Flying squirrels; as the name suggests do not fly, they glide between their forelegs and their rear legs using a fuzzy membrane called a patagium.
Their soft fur and them being tiny size is what make these animals adorable.
This cute squirrel is on a branch covered in snow.
Look at the way this squirrel looks at the camera lens with their cute tiny eyes.
This squirrel is the cutest animal that exists.