The elephant waited for a little friend in one place for a whole month

Feelings are the highest gift of nature. And not only people are capable of strong attachments. The story of Bela and Tara is a vivid example of the close friendship of such different animals.

A caring American woman has organized an elephant shelter in Tennessee. Tara’s unhappy life pushed her to this step. So the animals that performed in circuses or got into other life difficulties had a chance for a full-fledged existence. But, despite the fact that the number of neighbors of the elephant was growing, she remained lonely for a long time. And this is despite the fact that elephants value communication very highly.

Everything changed when a stray dog wandered into the shelter. The animals began to walk together and were never separated. When Bela was severely injured and was treated in a polyclinic for a month, a friend came to visit her every day.

For ten whole years, they shared the hardships and joys until one accident. The dog could not resist the attack of the coyotes. For Tara, the death of a friend was a real tragedy. She was a long time unconscious and was constantly sad.

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