Scientists have estimated that there have been about 117 billion people on this planet. From which we can conclude that with such a large number of inhabitants of the planet, there should be quite a few people who are similar to each other. But who believes in coincidences, if we know that the time machine and travel to the past are to blame for everything?
Did Michael Jackson live in Ancient Egypt?
Did Nicolas Cage visit the 19th century?
Stallone’s face is timeless
Keanu Reeves is a handsome man at all times
Brad Pitt never gets his hair cut short
Tommy Lee Jones is a historical character
As did his colleague Alec Baldwin
Robin Williams is easily disguised
Even Rupert Grint has been in the past
Loki’s companion, Tom Hiddelston, did not surprise us
In the past, Johnny Depp was neater
Peter Dinkage is a Renaissance man
Master of Reincarnation Steve Martin
And who will say that these are simple coincidences? Let’s consider the facts of unspecified time travel proven!