There are eight lives left. Staff of the garbage-sorting complex saved the cat from the death

In the Ulyanovsk region, the employees of the garbage-sorting complex saved the cat from the imminent death. Someone put the unfortunate animal in a bag, tied it tightly and threw it in the trash. Miraculous rescue of the cat got into the lens of the CCTV camera.

“The cat is well-fed, clean, well-groomed. It’s clear that until recently it was someone’s pet. The cruelty of people surprises. A little more – and a bag with a cat could get into the separator. Fortunately, the animal was not injured, but it was very scared,” said Igor Perfiliev, director of the regional operator “Gorkomkhoz”.

Фото © VK / "Горкомхоз"

It turned out that this case is not the first. In the last two months, the staff of the complex rescued two red-ish turtles and an African hedgehog from the “meat grinder”. Unfortunately, it is impossible to find those who threw them away.

“Please don’t throw away your pets! If for any reason you cannot keep an animal, you can always find caring owners and a warm house for them. Remember, we are responsible for those we have tamed.” staff of the company addressed to citizens.

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